- Two New Orleans medical students helped a woman during a medical emergency on a flight.
- The two LSU students stepped in after a woman on board fell after she felt lightheaded.
- The flight was on its way to Greece, according to to LSU Health Science Center.
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Two New Orleans medical students helped a passenger after she fell during a flight, Fox News reported.
In a Facebook post on Saturday, the Louisiana State University Health Sciences Center highlighted two students, Heather Duplessis and Lauren Bagneris, for helping the woman during a flight to Greece.
When there was a call for any medical professionals on board the plane and there was no response, Duplessis and Bagneris stepped up to the plate to handle the emergency.
"A female passenger had become lightheaded and fell due to low blood sugar and being overheated," the post said. "They calmed the patient and got her to take some juice and food, and also cooled her off."
A photo posted by the university shows both students helping the passenger. The post commended the students for communicating with a doctor on the ground while taking the woman's blood pressure, pulse and blood sugar."
"The patient ended up feeling much better thanks to these two talented doctors in the making and their LSU medical education," the post said.